Setting up an Integration to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Published: Mar 14, 2023

Setting up an Integration to Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations

Published: Mar 14, 2023
  1. Click on the Target tab.
  2. Target – Select Dynamics 365 Finance & Operations.
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  1. Destination – Select a Finance & Operations connection.
  2. Company – Select the company that will be used. The Default Company setup on the connection will automatically be selected.
  3. Service Endpoints – Click “Add Service” to add the service that will be integrated to. Once a service is selected, the child endpoints options will be enabled.
  4. Disable Parallel Send – If this is checked, the records will send one at a time and wait for a response before it continues. When it is unchecked, it sends up to 10 records at once. (Note: If there are document level scripts in tasks, parallel send is automatically turned off since that requires each document to complete before moving to the next one.
  5. Remove Blank Properties – Check to remove blank values before it sends to F&O.
  6. Run to file – Select this option to run the data to a file instead of into the F&O Company.
  7. Target Lines – Displays the lines that will be available to be mapped on the Integration tab.
  8. Once the required fields have been populated the Integration tab becomes active.
  9. Click on the Integration Tab.

Adding a Child endpoint

Once a service has been selected, the child endpoint option will be enabled. Child endpoints will be used any time a detail or line endpoint needs to be sent with the header endpoint.

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  1. Click “Child endpoints” to create a child endpoint for the selected service, this will open the Manage child endpoints window.
  2. Click “Add child service” to add a child to the selected service. For example, adding sales order lines to a sales order header service.
  3. Check the “Parent Fields” checkbox if you want to add a parent field to the child service. The Parent field is used to link the lines back to the header.
  4. Click “Add parent field” to select a field from the parent service that can be used on the child service. This field will be mapped on the child node during the mapping process.
  5. Click save on the Manage child endpoints window.
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Integration Tab
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  1. Target Lines – From the dropdown list select the lines that will be mapped.
  2. For Delete – When this checkbox is marked, records from the destination that are in the source will be removed.
  3. Update Existing – When this checkbox is marked, records that already exist will be updated with any changes.
  4. Update Blank Data – Not used for this destination type.
  5. Source Grouping tab – Select which source(s) to group by and the function for the source.
  6. Target Integration tab – This is where the Source data is mapped to the Target data.
  7. Additional Columns tab –note: there will be a separate section for each type of Additional Column.
  8. Once the Target field(s) are mapped to a Source(s), the Save button becomes active allowing the user to save the Integration Process.

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